Seek God First By Bobby Schuller

Originally posted here:

“The king went to Gibeon to offer sacrifices, for that was the most important high place, and Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar.”

– 1 Kings 3:4

Now that it’s December 26, I am thinking about another year that is nearly over. More importantly, I am contemplating the one that lies ahead as I seek to prepare my mind and heart for the new challenges and adventures that await. For inspiration, I find myself looking to the example of Solomon. Though he became a famous king in his own right, at the time he took the throne, this young ruler, who was the son of the legendary King David, had major problems. His brothers were jealous of his reign, the tribal rulers of Israel didn’t like him, he had some big bad enemies at the border, and he had no idea how to lead people. Knowing that the odds were stacked against him, he decided to go up to Gibeon and offer 1,000 sacrifices to the Lord. In other words, he gave of his wealth as a way to honor God and tell Him that he needed His help in order to do the job he had been called to.

Friend, whatever obstacles or challenges you face today and throughout the coming year, remember to seek Jesus first. It’s easy to rely on your own resources to try and figure things out, but I encourage you to give Him your burden before taking it anywhere else. When the odds are stacked against you and it looks like unforeseen circumstances will take you down, lift your heart, eyes, hope, and hands up to the Lord. As you surrender your problems and acknowledge that He is much bigger, you will be set free from fear and set up for something far greater than you can conceive!

Jesus, I want to be like Solomon and seek you first when the odds are stacked against me.

What challenges are you facing in the days ahead? How can you seek Jesus in the midst of them?

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