“I’d like to see a focus on inclusion”: Parents respond to the new plans for autism policy in Ontario

A4A Ontario

There are tens of thousands of families across Ontario who never accessed the former Liberal government’s autism funding (OAP) even though they would have benefited greatly from financial assistance. There are three big reasons for this:

  1. Lack of funding for diagnostic services in the old plan (OAP);
  2. Huge waitlists for services under the OAP; and
  3. Only one type of service–an outmoded one—was available under the OAP.

Now we have a new government that has promised to start fixing these barriers to service. The Progressive Conservatives’ new plan:

  1. Doubles the number of diagnostic services available;
  2. Cuts the waitlist and serves an additional 23,000 families, focusing on families earning less than $55,000, who were underserved by the former plan;
  3. Allows families a choice of service providers, not just ABA.

We wanted to get a sense of how parents are feeling, so we spoke to some of the parents who reached out to…

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Today’s Word with Joel & Victoria Osteen Ministries

Today’s Scripture
“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
(Matthew 19:26, NIV)

You Are A Champion!
Conquerors don’t give up when they lose ground. They march forward with confidence knowing that they will claim victory. It should be the same with us in our daily lives. The Bible says you don’t have to worry—you are an overcomer in Christ! When worry comes against us, we can choose not to dwell on those negative thoughts. Like changing TV channels, you can change the channel in your mind from thoughts of defeat to thoughts of victory. Instead of dreading what could go wrong, meditate on God’s promises. Declare His word, “I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.” The Holy Spirit lives in you and is fighting your spiritual battles for you. As soon as you pray, the tide of the battle begins to turn! That’s why the Scriptures say over and over again that you can overcome anything. You can claim victory through Him today!

A Prayer for Today
“God, thank You for Your Holy Spirit, who is fighting my battles for me. Give me the faith to hold on to Your promises and claim victory in Your Name. Instead of worrying, I will be calm and victorious in You!”

It is Written! By Bobby Schuller

Originally posted here: http://hourofpower.org/it-is-written/

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

– 1 Corinthians 10:13

We’ve been learning a lot about Satan’s attack on our lives and how he seeks to tempt our minds with three opening moves. Today, I want to show you how he attacked Jesus in the same manner.

When you grow weary of living in a society that constantly fights to make you discontent, remember that Jesus faced the very same temptations. After the devil led Him into the wilderness, he first sought to persuade Him to turn a stone into bread (that was especially alluring since He had been fasting for 40 days). This was Satan’s appeal to the lust of His flesh, but He responded with, “It is written…!” When appealing to His flesh didn’t work, the adversary attempted to get Him to jump off of a pinnacle and let the angels come catch Him. Had that happened, the world would have seen His magnificence and given His amazing feat a standing ovation — the lust of the eyes. Appealing as it may have been to be seen as so spectacular, Jesus again responded with, “It is written…!” In a final attempt to get Him to compromise, the devil offered to give Him all the Kingdoms of the world if only He would bow down and worship him, even just one time; talk about the pride of life! However, once more, Jesus replied with, “It is written…!”

Friend, remember that Satan never disagreed with the Lord when He responded to temptation by saying, “It is written…!” In fact, there was no way he could argue with that. You see, even the devil knows that God has the final authority and that His Word is the source of righteousness and power. When Jesus’ truth is planted in your heart, there is no debate, no matter how appealing the temptation is! In Christ, your spirit knows what is right and wrong, even though a shortcut may look appealing. As you trust His Father’s heart and stand on the unshakable authority of His Word, there is no temptation that can overcome you! Isn’t that comforting news?

Jesus, thank you for delivering me from temptation through the power of your Word.

What temptation do you need to speak “It is written!” to today? Which of God’s promises will you claim?

Today’s Word with Joel & Victoria Osteen Ministries

Today’s Scripture
“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love…”
(Romans 8:38, NLT)

Nothing Can Separate You from God’s Love
No matter how many weaknesses you think you have, you are very special to God! You are beautifully, wonderfully and uniquely made, and you need to celebrate His handiwork in you! Too many times, people compare their lives to others rather than looking to God’s promises and celebrating what God has given them. Worrying about your weaknesses will distract you and keep you from fulfilling your destiny. Don’t waste your time looking back, reliving what you did. You may be saying, “You just don’t know how I’ve lived. You mean to say I’m not supposed to feel guilty and condemned? That I don’t need to pay God back for all my mistakes by going around feeling bad about myself?” Yes, that is exactly right! Jesus came so you can be forgiven and have an abundant life. So begin seeing yourself today as God sees you.

A Prayer for Today
“God, thank You for loving me unconditionally without holding my sins against me. Give me the power to stay on track and fulfill my destiny for this day and every day.”

The Gift of Contentment By Bobby Schuller

Originally posted here: http://hourofpower.org/the-gift-of-contentment/

“But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

– John 4:14

As we seek to sum up the stark contrast between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness, one word differentiates them: contentment.

Jesus said that He offers living water that brings ultimate fulfillment, yet the world around us continues to seek and strive after every other form of satisfaction. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life tempt society today just as they tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. When the serpent appeared to her, his primary aim was to convince her that God was withholding good things because He didn’t want her to have all that He had. However, that was a lie then and it is still a lie today, and the result is a constant quest on the part of humankind for the next best thing. I remember someone sharing about going to a Rolling Stones concert (and don’t get me wrong, I think the Stones are great), and he said that there was a poignant moment during the show when thousands of people in the arena sang the line “I can’t get no satisfaction” over and over again. Though it must have been memorable, the sad truth is that this is the theme song of the modern generation!

Friend, all the desires of your flesh and your eyes are available to you, and you are free to feed your ego lavishly and live a life bursting with pride, but that is not God’s best for you! In fact, the deeper you get into those things, the thirstier and more trapped you become. In contrast, the wonder you have been offered in Jesus is contentment — a posture of heart that says no matter what you have or don’t have, you are completely satisfied. Knowing Christ and living every day in His Presence is the key to true joy and happiness because in Him, you have all that you will ever need! Isn’t that wonderful news?

Jesus, I affirm that you are my ultimate satisfaction. If I never acquire another thing, I have all that I need.

Are you content? How does your level of satisfaction correlate to the state of your relationship with Jesus?

Week in the Word: Enough is as Good as a Feast


hanks chapelThis is the message I preached on Sunday, February 24th,  at Hanks Chapel United Church of Christ in Pittsboro, NC   I hope it blesses you!  If you find yourself in or near Pittsboro, please join us!   Hanks Chapel has Sunday school at 9 AM, with worship beginning at 10 AM, and is located at 190 Hanks Chapel Loop, Pittsboro, NC.  We also have Bible study most Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM at our fellowship hall.


Call to Worship, based on poem by Lillian Susan Thomas


of bread


a song

of fragrance,



feed all

who hunger.

If only it

worked that way,

the world


be full

and hope would

waft on


with bread


Sermon   “Enough is as Good as a Feast”

Matthew 14:13-33 New International Version (NIV)

jesus feeding multitudes13 When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary…

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