Week in the Word — Be the Church: A United and Uniting People


hanks chapelThis is the message I preached on Sunday, August 26  at Hanks Chapel United Church of Christ in Pittsboro, NC   I hope it blesses you!  If you find yourself in or near Pittsboro, please join us!   Hanks Chapel has Sunday school at 9 AM, with worship beginning at 10 AM, and is located at 190 Hanks Chapel Loop, Pittsboro, NC.

Be the Church: Being a United and Uniting People”

This Sunday we continue our series from the book of Ephesians exploring what it means to “Be the Church”, looking at what values can be a compass guiding us on the path God has for us as a church in the midst of change and transition.  These values also challenge us not to simply look to serve ourselves but open our eyes all around us, to see those in need in our communities.Today we start with Ephesians 3, beginning…

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Equality through Equal

My Joyous Feature

Life can accept things through that equality measure. Carrying it into that perfect knowledge. Balancing that common fact about it. Leading up to that greater value. Upon things that can make for some equality into equal rights.

The world can be filled with some equality. Feeling like that bond through nature. Every surrounding can form it’s equal qualities. Bringing it into the balancing movement. Noticing some power that can give chase along with equality.

An equal society can bring some perfect action through knowledge. Bringing it into an educational start. A learning effect will get hold of that equal society to a whole different level. Appearing at a subject will make it’s equality moves. Turning it into a different proportion.

There’s that civic life that will cherish a history for equality. Earning it a learning effect. Taking it into a hard working situation. Like there’s something a lot more interesting…

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Find Meaning In Your Life *NEW POST*

Find Meaning In Your Life *NEW POST*

Dr. Eric Perry’s Blog

By Dr. Perry, PhD

“There’s nothing like impending death to rouse you from existential boredom.” ~Roger Ebert

One of my pet peeves is to hear others complain about how bored they are with life. They wonder out loud, “What is the purpose of it all if we are going to die anyway?” To be bored with our life is a luxury we cannot afford and should not indulge.

I believe that this combination of boredom and the unreasonable belief that time can be wasted without repercussions is due primarily to not having a clear meaning for your life. Meaning can be found in the most beautiful moments of life as well as the most heart wrenching ones. Often, the meaning of one’s life is found after you have crossed paths with death. After an encounter with the possibility of nonexistence, we tend to renew our vows to life. Suddenly, life appears…

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Love into the Joys of Music

My Joyous Feature

Listening to music can bring that feeling in and out. Experiencing that moment to express it. Makes you want to get up and dance to the beat. Music will open up at anyway. Likewise the music can get your mind off of things.

A loving life can learn the joys of music up to the very best. Cherish it to those good moments. Feeling that peaceful thought letting the music rise to that better empowerment. Music can hit you without pain. Letting you follow your mind into a feeling of music.

Music can speak without words. Carrying it through like there’s nothing going to ever happen. Expressing life through music. Listening to it can bring that empowerment out. It can be impossible to understand the silence through music. Taking it forward afterward.

That grand moment can carry a sweet song. Feeling like a perfect lullaby. A sweet song can carry…

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