Today’s Word with Joel & Victoria Osteen Ministries Today’s Scripture

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
(Mark 11:24, NIV)
Believe and Receive
Has God spoken things to your heart that haven’t come to pass yet? Sometimes when we are believing for things, it’s easy to become discouraged when it doesn’t happen according to our timetable. But when you make the choice to receive your promise by picturing it in your mind’s eye and declaring it with the words of your mouth, your faith becomes stronger. You begin to have joy and peace because you know God is working behind the scenes on your behalf. What are you believing for God to do in your life? See it in your mind’s eye. See yourself healed. See yourself paying off that last debt. As you allow God’s thoughts to become your thoughts and receive His promises by faith, just like it says in today’s verse, whatever you ask for in prayer will be yours!

A Prayer for Today
“Heavenly Father, thank You for another day to serve You. Thank You for the gift of faith. I ask that you search my heart and mind and remove anything that does not please you. Give me your thoughts of peace and joy today so that I can learn to receive all you have for me today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

The Fullest Reward By Bobby Schuller

Originally posted here:

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

– Proverbs 11:25
Yesterday we talked about the power of secrecy and reward and we affirmed that it’s okay to be motivated by Heavenly blessing and reward when we make a decision to relate to Jesus privately, without the attention or affirmation of others. Today, I want to take that a step further and submit to you that public giving and ministry have their own brand of blessing — in the moment.

There are many times in my church that I get up and pray in front of the congregation. Obviously, this isn’t a bad thing. Jesus had a very public face to His ministry and He was teaching and praying for people all the time. Naturally, there was a huge blessing in this, but He also made sure He reserved special times to relate directly to His Father, because that’s where the greatest reward was; He needed those empowering moments to move forward in His calling. Similarly, we have individuals who have given to our church or to Hour of Power, sometimes publicly and sometimes privately. Both are a tremendous gift and both cause great things to happen in the Kingdom, it’s just that gifts given in anonymity are a bigger blessing to the giver! These examples are illustrations of the Jewish teaching about goodness that says that even if you do something good for the approval of others, it’s still a blessing — it’s just not as rewarding as doing it in secret. I once heard Dennis Prager, who is Jewish, say that, “If you want to give to put your name on the side of a hospital and you want people to applaud, just do it. It’s still good. It’s just not as good as doing it in secret.”

Friend, Jesus didn’t say that those who give in front of others to be seen by them have done evil; He said that they have their reward in full. In other words, their reward is the dignity, respect, applause and acclaim of others in that moment. It is still good, but not the best! Don’t condemn yourself for the ministry and good works you have done publicly, simply understand that the greater reward comes from God! If you minister for the applause of others, it may not be a sin, but it can be hypocritical and hurtful for you. He can still use you to bless people, but you will not experience the richest and fullest encounter with His goodness. Jesus’ reward is tremendous — it’s everything you could ever want or hope for — so seek His blessing in secret and watch how it changes you!

Thank you, Jesus, for offering me the richest and fullest reward in your presence. Teach me to love anonymity more than applause.

Do you believe that blessing can come from acts of goodness done publicly? How have you seen this demonstrated?

Today’s Word with Joel & Victoria Osteen Ministries

Today’s Scripture
“For they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword, nor did their own arm save them; but it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your countenance, because You favored them.”
(Psalm 44:3, NKJV)

Strength to Conquer
Do you need God’s strength to conquer something in your life today? Maybe you need strength to forgive or to overcome an addiction. Maybe you need strength to deal with a difficult person in the office. No matter what you may be facing, God desires to give you His supernatural strength in every situation. It’s interesting that one translation of this verse says, “because God smiled upon them and favored them.” Did you know that simply calling on God causes Him to smile on you? Because you are His child, you have His favor! God loves to show Himself strong on your behalf. Be strong in the Lord knowing that He is with you, smiling upon you, and showering you with His favor. As you meditate on this promise, you will be strengthened to overcome every obstacle, and you will live a life of victory!

A Prayer for Today
“God, thank you for smiling on me today. I ask that you show me your favor so that I can walk in your strength today. Thank you for equipping me with everything I need to live as an overcomer. I bless you and choose to honor you in everything I do. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

Share the Experience

My Joyous Feature

Sharing that genuine moment.

Having the experience to cherish things in life.

A full experience can balance things out.

Responding to these moments in advance.

In that pure moment sharing an experience can carry things to a different level.

Needing that common solution.

Going into a different phase.

Take-in some knowledge.

Hoping that an experience will cherish something more valuable.

Every step can move things ahead.

Experiencing some facts.

X marks that position for that total reaction.

Placing everything into that total detail.

Every moment can share just about experience.

Recognize the cause of it.

Incredibly knowing all about it.

Encourage to take that experience anywhere.

Noticing everything into that perfect life.

Common facts can be added on.

Experiencing just about anything.

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The Bountiful Blessings of Secrecy By Bobby Schuller

Originally posted here:

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

– Matthew 6:5,6

Today, I want to talk to you about the power of secrecy and reward. All throughout Scripture, and especially in the Sermon on the Mount, we see the theme of doing something good with the motivation of being rewarded for it. Contrary to the attitude we have adopted in Western culture, in the time of the writing of the Bible, Jews fully embraced the power of receiving gifts from God as motivation for doing the right thing.

Interestingly, in the Bible, secrecy is always on the receiving side of reward. In other words, God’s people have to give up the glory of public accolades and compliments for the greater gift of being compensated by Him in the form of blessings, both now and in the life to come. The reward for a secret prayer is an answered prayer and the reward for secret giving is an even greater bounty of favor, both physically and spiritually.

Friend, when you give, pray, and live solely for the glory of God and forego your need for the approval of others, your spiritual life soars and takes on new richness and depth. Because Jesus is the giver of every good and perfect gift, you can rest in confident assurance that He is your rewarder, and your heart can continually find joy in His love for you! No one can outgive God and the bounteous blessings you receive when do your good deeds in secret far outweighs the temporary pleasure of pleasing people. Practice connecting to your Heavenly Father in private and I promise, you will get to know Him in a deeper and more intimate way than ever before! Isn’t that good news?

Jesus, help me as I learn to relate to you in secret. I know that you are my rewarder and I want to focus my heart on you alone, knowing that you will reward me.

How do you feel about being rewarded for relating to and giving to God?

How to report missing persons with neurological differences respectfully.

Originally posted here under the pseudonym Elsa Matawan.

It’s everyone’s worst nightmare; a loved one goes missing, and we fear for their safety. The stakes are even higher when the person has autism, or a developmental difference. When dealing with people with special needs, these unique sets of challenges open up an ethical debate over how to report the person. How much, if at all, do you reveal the challenges while maintaining the privacy rights of the person? Here are some tips on how to balance safety with respect.

Photos. Use as mature a photo as possible. Crop only the person’s face in the photo. Items in the photo are distracting, and should be cropped out. Government issued ID is preferred.

If a person has a facial difference, limb difference, or any other physical difference, refer to the identifying feature as a difference.  Never call the feature a deformity.

If the person uses a wheelchair or any other adaptive device, refer to the person as “using” the device, rather than “confined” or “restricted” to.

Disclosing disability. How to disclose special needs is a constant debate. How a person’s needs are disclosed is a personal matter, potentially affecting employment, and other aspects of personal life. In many cases, autism can be left out of a description.

How autism is perceived by others can significantly affect the mental health of an autistic person, according to a 2017 study of autistic Scottish adults.  Thus, one must be very sensitive, especially considering a missing person’s already vulnerable state, when deciding if and how to describe autism in a public report.

In some cases it can be deemed beneficial to disclose autism. Identity first language, “person is autistic” is preferred by most of the autistic community. Some prefer person first language, “person has autism”. The best way to disclose is under the physical description of the person, as autism is always a natural born part of the person.

Either way, the emphasis should be on the missing person as a whole, not the special needs. Therefore “missing person” not “missing autistic person” should be the headline. Some individuals may prefer gender neutral language as well.

Functioning levels. Phrases like “high functioning”, “low functioning”, and functioning age comparisons (comparing an adult to a child or teenager) is problematic. Adults with disabilities who may need some support do not identify this way. Many developmentally and/or cognitively different people find age comparisons offensive since it implies that because some adults do not lead a life similar to their neurotypical peers that they must be like children or young teenagers. No one would compare a physically challenged adult requiring assistance with a child or teenager.

Functioning levels can fluctuate depending on stress levels,the task at hand, and physical or mental health. No one functions at their best when stressed. A more positive way to describe the person could be “may not respond/speak at their best under stress.”

Some people have significant learning disabilities, dementia, or other conditions, and may appear to act younger, or require a lot of personal care. However, these individuals likely have mature thoughts, feelings, and desires. One way to describe highly challenged people could be “requires personal care support”.

Verbal, low-verbal,or non-verbal descriptors are needed. (Some prefer the term non-speaking). Keep in mind some autistic individuals may prefer to write down information as their form of communication when under stress.

“Scared of uniform presence” sounds rather young. This kind of information, while important, needs to be written in a clear, respectful way that describes possible behaviour. Information about how a person responds to police is best shared with officers privately.

Sensory issues are common for people with autism or other neurological disabilities. One can write about these challenges in a mature way. An example: “Hates bright lights” could be more accurately be described as “is light sensitive”, “wears sunglasses”, “Please turn off flashing lights. This person has light sensitivity”.

It might be helpful to add a disclaimer on a missing persons news release stating “This report describes a person under unusual circumstances. It may not describe or reflect the person’s usual state.”

Suggest that people who are prone to going missing write their own sample missing persons news release and give it to a trusted family member or caregiver. Set up an online missing person news reporting form for the family to fill out. Options could include a box to tick off if one doesn’t want disability disclosed in the news release. This would be separate from registries such as vulnerable persons registries.*

In the found persons news release, thank the public for helping locate the missing person. Ask the public to remove posts and tweets of people who are found alive.

Consider posting only the name, photo description, photo, and year of birth on social media. Add a link for more details.

The hashtag #MissingPerson (city acronym) would make obsolete missing social media posts easier to locate for deletion. Delete the link and post in cases where the person is found alive.

One could also add the hashtag #SensitiveInfo on all tweets and posts. The sensitive info settings can also be used.

The Police’s role in helping an individual move on with their life once they’ve been safely found is important and appreciated. It shows understanding and compassion.

*A word on vulnerable persons registries. Vulnerable Persons Registries are not missing persons registries, nor are they fill out forms to report a missing person. They are online forms that are filled out by an individual and/or caregiver to register the profiles of persons at higher risk of going missing. These registries are controversial. Some people find them liberating, while others feel they are a form of police profiling. There is a very dark history involving the police and neurodivergent people. The mandatory “fill out by a caregiver” portion of some registries is especially controversial.  Another problem is that the registries are run by a third party corporation, and, may cause discrimination, and potential police profiling.

If a municipality has a vulnerable persons registry, they must be voluntary, have a sample registry form to read before choosing if one wants to fill it out, and it must have a default fill out yourself mode for teens and adults.  A vulnerable persons registry must allow anyone, (neurodivergent, neurotypical, disabled, non disabled, etc), to sign themself up for the registry without having someone else fill it out for them. Nor should they have to give a reason as to why they are signing up for the registry. The registry entry also must be temporary, renewable after each year, and have an opt out option at any time.

The better alternative to a vulnerable is to have a blank printable form that one can fill out on pencil and paper without having to police register it.  This form would only be handed in if the person is actually missing.

#FunctioningLabels #FunctioningLabelsMean #FunctioningAgeLabels #FunctioningAgeLabelsMean #EndFunctioningLabels #EndFunctioningAgeLabels


On May 10th, 2019, an official inquiry into how missing person cases involving minority communities is being launched in Toronto. Anyone in the world can give feedback. This issue in particular can affect neurodivergent and autistic persons. Here is a link to the official inquiry.

To report any abuse or mishandling from police anywhere in Ontario, one can also launch a complaint through this resource.

On December 9th, 2019, the Toronto Police Service launched a vulnerable persons registry.  This was not without controversy from the autistic community.


Here is an article I wrote about the Toronto Police Services registry.

There are viable alternatives to vulnerable persons registries. Child Find Saskatchewan has paper booklets that can be mail ordered for free. The “youth” one is also suitable for adults. They also have a crisis line that anyone of any age can call if they are at risk.

And, in the UK, there are online forms that can be filled out if a person is actually missing.

Here are links to additional services and resources.  The links are from various sources, and may or may not reflect my views.

Here is an article, written by autistic persons, on ways one can help autistic persons with mental health challenges through a crisis.  It also offers crisis prevention strategies.

Here is an article on what an autistic meltdown may look like, and how it is different from a tantrum.


Tracking devices, often used in the USA under Kevin and Avante’s Law,  are considered discriminatory by many autism advocates, including the Autism Self Advocasy Network. They should always be non invasive and easy to remove, and should never be used as a form of predictive policing.

Here is an article by ASAN founder Ari Ne’eman on the many reasons autistic persons may go missing, as well as the possible ethical problems on some tracking devices and tracking based programs and legislation.

In 2011, ASAN, along with several other organizations, opposed the Centre for Disease Control’s proposal to add “wandering” as a seperate, independent disability classification.

Wallet cards should never be mandatory. Police carding programs are discriminatory and unethical. Wallet cards should never be part of a police carding program. If one chooses to use them, they should be voluntarily filled out and handed out by the individual. Bear in mind pulling out anything out of a bag or pocket can be a safety concern when used around law enforcement (an officer may mistake the gesture of reaching in as a threat). Here is Autistics For Autistics Ontario’s statement on wallet cards.

If one chooses to voluntarily obtain a wallet card, here are some links.

The following link to a printable wallet card also gives some really good suggestions, such as voluntarily choosing to get to know and dialogue with local officers.


Here are tips on ways one can support an autistic person in mental health crisis, along with a link to Australian crisis lines.

Here are American crisis lines:


Here are two American resources on autism and police interactions (including missing persons).


Here is a resource to create your own crisis line.


Here is one resource from the UK. While I do not agree with the name (autism never goes missing), the website has a lot of good material.


For further information on reporting about neurodivergent people, here is the Mindset Media Guide.


If you or a loved one is thinking of going missing, here is a link to nationwide Canadian crisis services.

Here is a list of Toronto services.

Despite the name Childfind, any one of any age can call these crisis lines.

Here is a link for UK readers of all ages.

Here is an Australian resource.


Today’s Word with Joel & Victoria Osteen Ministries

Today’s Scripture
“After the earthquake a fire, but Adonai was not in the fire. After the fire there was a soft whisper of a voice.”
(1 Kings 19:12)

Listen Up!
Listening is a lost art today. We can be so concerned about expressing our thoughts and opinions that we don’t listen closely to others—or even to God. If we’re not careful, distractions and busyness can drown out the voice that matters most in our lives, the voice of our heavenly Father. The good news is that you can learn to tune out the negative noise of the world and start listening for God’s voice, for hopeful, positive, faith-filled thoughts. Be receptive and listen for His still, small voice on the inside of you. God speaks not only through the Bible but also through godly counsel and His Holy Spirit. All it takes is a simple prayer like the one Samuel prayed in 1 Samuel 3:10 when he said to God, “I am listening.” Then be ready to listen for His answer.

A Prayer for Today
“God, thank You for answering my prayers. Give me the wisdom and discernment to hear Your still, small voice through the loudness of this world. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

Our Secret Self By Bobby Schuller

“For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.”

– Mark 4:22

Originally posted here:

There’s a secret us, isn’t there? We all have parts of ourselves that we don’t naturally reveal to those around us. We have layers and we are generally selective about how, where, and with whom we peel them off. This is a natural part of life and relating and in general, it’s not a bad thing. Clients see the fully masked version of us, our friends see a little bit more, and our families — those we live with and who know us best — see the secret us. Then there’s God…

There are parts of our soul and pieces of ourselves, whether we understand them or not, that nobody knows and that we sometimes can’t articulate. These are the secret things of the heart that only the Lord sees. Oftentimes they include our fears, doubts, vices, and all the stuff we’re embarrassed about or ashamed of. Sadly, it’s these deep parts of us that we tend to believe are the most unlovable, so we’re afraid to take off our masks and reveal the messed up and broken things inside. However, the good news is that Jesus already knows and sees our secret parts! I encourage you to take a moment to really meditate on that truth and let it sink in.

Friend, there is no part of you that is hidden from God and even better, He sees it all and loves you still! As He looks at your life, He doesn’t feel disappointment or pity; instead, He feels fatherly pride and joy. There is nothing you have kept in the dark that is beyond the reach of the light of His powerful, redeeming love. Rejoice in that truth today! You’re called and forgiven and He has a great plan for your life. Isn’t that wonderful news?

Thank you, Jesus, for seeing and loving all the parts of me, even the ones that I find hard to love about myself.

Have you received the love of God in your deepest and most hidden parts? If so, how has it changed your life?

A Chaos of Daily Life

My Joyous Feature

A moment can bring that chaos of a daily life will reach up.

Cherishing that day to day life.

Having that meaningful moment to afford up a true touch of life.

A daily life has that sudden change in between.

Opening that daily reaction that’s more like planning.

Finding that moment to add some goals.

Doing something on that particular day can be extremely dependable.

A more proficient way to start the day off right is to have a routine.

Incredibly a daily routine can be exceedingly better.

Life will live on a day to day base.

Year after year a daily life will improve.

Life will cherish the moment.

Interacting with so many things.

Figuring it out what the next step to occur.

Empowering some daily moments.

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